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Ave Maria, Virgo Serena - Catholic Songs of Praise
#tag: Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum, Virgo serena.
This is another Marian Hymn, but very much different from the famous 'Hail Mary' known by so many. This hymn is, in my opinion, equally splendid as it's more famous counterpart. I am unsure of who is responsible for the composition of this hymn. The background image is Bartolomé Esteban Murillo's "Madonna with the rosary". The Latin lyrics and English translation follow:

Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum, Virgo serena.
Ave cuius conceptio, solemni plena gaudio, celestia, terrestria, nova replet letitia.
Ave cuius nativitas, nostra fuit solemnitas, ut lucifer lux oriens verum solem preveniens.
Ave pia humilitas, sine viro fecunditas, cuius annunciatio nostra fuit salvatio.
Ave vera virginitas, immaculata castitas, cuius purificatio nostra fuit purgatio.
Ave preclara omnibus angelicis virtutibus, cuius fuit assumptio nostra glorificatio.
O mater Dei, memento mei. Amen.

Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee, serene Virgin.
Hail, you whose conception, full of great joy, fills heaven and earth with new gladness.
Hail, you whose birth brought us joy, like Lucifer, the morning star, going before the true sun.
Hail, pious humility, fruitful without man, whose annunciation brought us salvation.
Hail, true virginity, immaculate chastity, whose purification brought our cleansing.
Hail, glorious one in all angelic virtues, whose assumption was our glorification.

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